Thursday, February 7, 2013

V25-49-1988 Zehreele Daanav - 3

This is NOT my post. The entire scans and effort are of Mr. Vishal Sharma, a.k.a "CHALTA PHIRTA PRET". He is kind enough to lend his hard work to my blog just to complete the story. I thank him for his generous gesture for fellow community. I am just posting the link here provided by Vishal bhai.
I have only re-done the cover page for size and looks, with his kind consent.
For the records sake -
Hindi Indrajaal Comic No. V25N49 Published in 1988 by Times of India Publication, a unit of Bennett & Coleman Co. Ltd.
Download Comic, Courtsey CHALTA PHIRTA PRET :- 


Anonymous said...

Your blog is a real gem in the Internet. I miss the OLDEST HINDI CLASSICS of IJC particularly the old Hindi issues - 025, 026, 028, 029, 033, 034, 039, 041 044, 048 and 056. All their links have become dud. Any help form any quarter in this regard?

Unknown said...

Hello Anon, just wait for sometime, these no.s will be posted by me.

Pratik Jain said...

You are doing great work brother. Carry on.

anuraag said...

thanks Raj,,,,

VISHAL said...

निस्संदेह !यह कहानी वेताल की जोरदार कहानियों में से एक हैं , ज्यादातर कहानियों मैं वेताल ही खलनायक पर भारी पड़ता है , लेकिन यह एक ऐसी अविस्मार्निये गाथा है जिसमें ' ज़हरीले दानव ' उर्फ़ 'The Great Ones ' वेताल को फ़ुटबाल तक बना कर खेलते हैं और तो और वेताल को Bowling गेम की तरह उठा कर भी पटका , यहाँ तक की वेताल के पूर्वज नें 'अपनी और इन दानवों की भिडंत को "शर्मनाक" तक लिखा !!, ऐसे अपमान को वेताल नें पहले कभी नहीं झेला ! यह तो भला हो वेताल की आग उगलने वाली पिस्तौलों का जिसे दानव 'बिजली' समझ बैठे , और रही सही कसर वेताल को उड़ते घोडे पर बैठा देखकर पूरी हो गयी , जिसे देखकर 'दानव तितर बित्तर हो गए , कहानी के अंत में इस घटना को ग्रन्थ में लिखते वक़त वेताल के मुख से यह निकला " उफ्फ ! उम्मीद है वो फिर नहीं बुलायेंगे " In Original Strip , He Wrote " Whew ! Let 's Hope It Is The Last Call .." इस कहानी के अंत में वेताल जैसे महाबली के मुंह से 'उफ्फ' 'Whew ' जैसे शब्द निकलना दानवों के शक्ति प्रदर्शन को दर्शाता है जो वेताल के जहन में अमिट छाप छोड़ चुके हैं !!

राज भाई , अगर आपने गौर किया हो तो , कहानी के प्रथम भाग की लगभग पूरी कहानी (From Page #3 तो # 16) का ही इस मूल कहानी से कोई ताल्लुकात नहीं हैं , ,मूल कहानी शुरू ही होती है पन्ना न 17 से , क्योंकि यह कहानी Sunday Strip No . 130 " Irrondi And The Great Ones " से ली गयी है , और यह स्ट्रिप यहीं से शुरू होती है जब इर्रोंड़ी मानव नगाडों पर वेताल के लिए संदेश भेजते हैं . शायद TOI इस कहानी को 3 भागों तक खीचना चाहता था
For comparative analysis purpose , I am giving here link of Sunday Strip No. 130 (Thanks to original Uploader for this Wonderful Strip)

Unknown said...

That's absolutely true Vishal Bhai, your analysis pin points the exact distinguishing character of Vetaal in this story. Yes I admit it is shameful and hence different from a usual Vetaal tale. It is also true that there was no point in exaggerating the story to comply 3 volumes, it could have been completed in one single issue. The worst part of the Indrajaal Comic is 'Timpa' section. It acts like a beauty spot to such a wonderful comic.

HojO said...

Yes,it's true that Phantom never faced such a moment where he was in such a humilating condition,but I appreciate his grit! And I do believe that even if HE was the worst enemy of evil-doers,still he IS a normal human being only with no super-power,so once a while a sound of releif after a tough adventure is quite normal!

And yes,ToI quite a few time did this unnecessary 'combine-act' of 2-3 different strips under one title, as rightly pointed out by Vishal,as the part-1 was solely based on S129(Fighting twin) with only a half-page was dedicated for Trondi!I guess they want to create a suspense at the end of the otherwise boring S129!
But I disagree with Raj bhai here about Timpa!:)His strips are quite funny,a nice addition in Indrajal as back-up(i.e. not main story),only draw-back was the art(quite cartoony) but otherwise his adventures with his grandpa was quite hilarious.
If anything that did harm to Indrajal was ToI's policy to add so many B-grade heroes as cover-stories!Why did they picked Garth,Nomad,Buz etc in Indrajal, I have no idea!!AT BEST they should had added in their 2nd series: Spectrum Comics but not in Ijc!

Unknown said...

In secondary phase only "Garth" is the one who fascinates me most as hero and even Lt. Kerry Drake up to certain extent. Buzz Sawyer is more funny than heroic, Mike Nomad is okayish!!, Rip Kirby is interesting in almost every story as his stories creates an ambience of suspense. But they are not even close to Vetaal and Mandrake. Bahadur & Flash Gordan take back seat in my like. As far as Timpa section is concerned I feel for funny aspect Gunakar (Henry) and earlier Chhote Raja did far better job than Timpa. But HojO bhai its my personal view, no offence to your liking.

AJAY said...

I personally would like to place stories of Rip Kirby after Phantom & Mandrake . Bahadur was excellent story line as well artwork upto # 352 , thereafter both became bad , story lines became on same pattern . If you try to recall these strioes , difficult to remember whereas in case of early stories , all stories quite different .
Indrajal comics series missed lot of Phantom stories from publishing . I also never liked Garth, Nomad , etc but it lot of people liked these which is their personal choice . Thimpa , other stories , cartoons were just to fit into 32 pages format othrwise Indrajal comics coud have started readers column in which veiws , suggestions etc could be published but perhaps that was the time when whatever was printed , was well accepted .

Anonymous said...

Vishal Bhai..which blog you are publishing now a days...Thx

HojO said...

@Raj: No offence taken as I like honest opinions. Actually,anything you introduced with in the earliest period holds a soft-corner.For the same reason,I liked Dara(the Indian Bond) while I know many don't like that series as for them he was quite a late entry with much simpler plot compare to P/M/B etc,which is, infact, true.

Between,You remind me off my one of the best buddies from junior school and the person who introduced me with indrajal Comics : Amritanshu, as he was more in his selected heroes only.He was more in Phantom & Mandrake,followed by Bahadur and a little extent,Rip.And I never seen any other hero's issue in his otherwise decent collection.. :)

VISHAL said...

@ Anon : I am planning to post Tarzan Gift Album in English at Comic World. Your name please..

VISHAL said...

Thanks HojO bhai for mentioning original source of first part i.e. S129. I was aware about only S130.

Anonymous said...

Vishal Bhai, you are going to publish Tarzan...???What a misuse of talent. Saying in a good way.

You are known for good Hindi IJC and taking user in the Hazel glen by telling the story in your own way.
Are you trying to change your identity and anything your veloved pathaks shoudl know?
Please come back Hindi IJC world. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

Lot of typos in the previous comments.
Anonymous said...
Vishal Bhai, you are going to publish Tarzan...??? What a misuse of talent. Saying in a good way as I have read your postings at many blogs for sometime. Which is your main blog? Please let us know.

You are known for good Hindi IJC and taking your readers to the Hazel glen by telling the story in your own way. Very excellant and enchanting.
Are you trying to change your identity and anything your beloved pathaks should know?
Please come back to Hindi IJC world. I have lot of respect for you.

Unknown said...

Thanks Raj Bhai

Anonymous said...

Raj Bhai, Whats coming next...curious minds want to know, Thanks,

Unknown said...

Thanks Amit, Dear Anon today I' ll be posting V24N35 Apraadhi Ki Bhool which is a re-publication of Abhinetri Ka Rahassya

VISHAL said...

Dear Anon : हिंदी इंद्रजाल के लिए प्रेम तो मेरी रग रग में है , हिंदी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स को देखते ही एक जनून सा सवार हो जाता है , टार्ज़न की कहानियों में टार्ज़न की खूँखार जंगली जानवरों से भिडंत मुझे बचपन से ही रोमांचित करती आयी है , और राज भाई हिंदी इंद्रजाल की धनाधन बारिश कर रहे , हाल ही में राकेश भाई नें भी एक साथ कई हिंदी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स प्रस्तुत की , टार्ज़न की एक गिफ्ट एल्बम के बाद मैं द्वारा से हिंदी इंद्रजाल की दुनिया में आ जायूँगा (घर में पाबन्दी बहुत ज्यादा है कॉमिक्स स्कैन को लेकर :) )
आपने इतना कुछ पूछा लेकिन अपना नाम नहीं बतलाया ?

Unknown said...

Same story is with me Vishal Bhai, Wife threatens me to throw me along with IJC, out of home, what i do is simply inform her that a new SALE is going up in the town and ...

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vishal Bhai, My name matches with Raj Bhai but I am not as great as him.
I have seen 11 Hindi IJC by Rakesh Bhai..great..
Lekin apke presentation ka jawab nahin...Aap please Trajan warzan likhna band kar digiye....Thats not the place you belong to. you are one of top in Hindi IJC presentations...please come back soon. Aap Hindi IJC ke Baadshah hain..apne pathako ko nirash mat kijiye...
Ya to aap Raj Bhai se publish kijiye ya phir Indrajal-online mein publish kijiye...An earnest request.
I still remember your presentation of 'Gufa Daitya Ka Aprahan' few months back...a great one. Please come back with more.
Raj Bhai..great site to see Hindi IJCs alive...awesome. Thank You!

Raj Joshi

VISHAL said...

@ राज जोशी भाई , सर्वप्रथम तो आपका नाम जान कर बेहद प्रसन्न्ता हुई , आपने जो इतना प्रेम बरसाया उसके वशिबूत हो कर आपका हुकम सर आंखों पर , टार्ज़न वाली पोस्ट को मैं आगे कर देता हूँ , और मैं बस एक या दो दिन में ही इंद्रजाल हिंदी का #300 से नीचे का अंक लेकर हाजिर होता हूँ और हाँ मेरी यह पोस्ट बेहद डरावनी और खौफ से भरपूर होगी , यह मेरा वादा है
राज जोशी भाई , मैंने "गुफा दैत्य का अपहरण " के बाद दो और वेताल कथाएँ प्रस्तुत की थी कॉमिक वर्ल्ड पर ,शायद आपने देखी नहीं , एक थी "जंगल से बुलावा" और दूसरी थी "दयालु प्रेत" तब तक आप इन्हें देखिये
यह रहे इनके लिंक :

Send me your email id. My email id is :

HojO said...

@Vishal bhai: Will it possible for you to post your articles in English(or in both languages),as that way more readers can read your indepth analysis,and like me who can read Hindi quite slowly(and comfortable only in speaking etc) will be much easier to express the views!

Please consider this point is possible!

Anonymous said...

Dear Vishal Bhai,

Hindi IJC ke Betaj Badshah ko mera salam. Aapne es naachej pathak ke dil rakh liya ye mere liye saubhagya ki baat hai. Apke Dil bahut bada hai...
Ye bahut harsh ke vishay hai ke aap Hindi IJC mein wapas aa rahe hai...Meri tarah Hindi IJC ke lakhon pathak betabi se pratiksha kr rahe hai..

I have read all your posts on all sites I can think of/go to. Yes, Jungle se Bulawa and Dayalu Pret bhi maine padhi hai..Bahut he Umda aur uchcha estar ki hai...
Please let us know which blog your next is coming from...we are waiting...eagely...
Raj Joshi

VISHAL said...

@राज जोशी भाई
आपका हुकम सर आंखों पर , लीजिये इस नाचीज की तरफ से आपके लिए और समस्त हिंदी इंद्रजाल कॉमिक्स के चाहने वालों के लिए इंद्रजाल का अति दुर्लभ अंक #292 "बहादुर और चुडैल की चुनोती" . पोस्ट जरा सी डरावनी है , कृपया रात को इसे मत पड़ें :) यह रहा इसका लिंक :

VISHAL said...

@ HojO Bhai

Sure HojO bhai, I will try to add both language in my forthcoming posts. My next post would be in English as I am scanning Tarzan Gift Album (english) consisting of 48 big size pages.Just completed only 15 pages and now I have to stop scan for few days as 'Mahabharat' is going on... :(

Anonymous said...

Vishal Bhai,

The Best. Bilkul jaisa socha tha us se bhidha achcha ...heartly thanks...Aap ka bahut bahut dhanyavad.
I was a liltle kid and I used to get scared in the night reading this comics. Has not changed much...I get the feeling. Aur aapke presentation ne to char chand laga diye!

Raj Joshi